Solving the Offline Puzzle: Your Guide to the Answer
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Answers to the Pocket Puzzle
A -> B
Arab: A person from the Arabian Peninsula.
Adverb: A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
Amphib: Short for amphibians, which can live on land and water.
Antibomb: Designed to protect against bombs.
B -> C
Basic: Fundamental or essential.
Broc: Short for broccoli, a vegetable.
Biopic: A film that dramatizes a person’s life.
Botanic: Related to plants.
C -> D
Card: A small, rectangular piece of stiff paper.
Candid: Open and honest in expression.
Chord: A combination of notes played simultaneously in music.
Clad: Dressed or covered.
Child: A young human being.
Cold: Low in temperature.
D -> E
Decade: A period of ten years.
Dove: A bird symbolizing peace.
Dole: Money given by the government to the unemployed.
Drive: To operate a vehicle.
E -> F
Elf: A mythical creature often depicted as small and magical.
Engulf: To cover or surround completely..
Erf: South African term for a plot of land.
F -> G
Flag: A piece of cloth used as a symbol.
Frog: An amphibian with long hind legs.
Flung: Thrown with force.
Fog: A thick mist.
Frug: A type of dance from the 1960s.
G -> H
Graph: A diagram showing relationships between variables.
Griph: A type of riddle or puzzle (archaic usage).
Girth: The measurement around something’s middle.
Goth: A subculture associated with dark fashion and music.
Gush: To flow out in a rapid, copious stream.
Glyph: A symbolic figure or character.
H -> I
Habit: A regular practice or behavior.
Houri: A beautiful maiden (Islamic paradise).
I -> J
Inaj: A unique African name.
Infuj: Abbreviation for industrial fugitive emissions.
Ithaj: An Arabic name meaning ‘gift.’
J -> K
Junk: Useless or discarded items.
Jerk: A sudden movement, or a rude person.
Jack: A tool for lifting heavy objects or a name.
Jink: A quick, evasive movement.
Jock: A person who is athletic, especially in sports.
K -> L
Kill: To cause the death of a living being.
Knoll: A small hill or mound.
Kneel: To rest on one’s knees.
Kraal: An enclosure for livestock, used in Southern Africa.
Kohl: A cosmetic used for darkening the eyelids.
Knurl: A small projecting ridge on a metal surface for grip.
L -> M
Loom: A device for weaving cloth or a sense of something about to happen.
Leam: (archaic) To shine or gleam.
M -> N
Mourn: To feel or show deep sorrow.
Main: The most important element or largest part.
Moan: A low, prolonged sound of pain or sorrow.
Mien: A person’s look or manner, especially showing character.
Morn: An old-fashioned word for morning.
Mean: To intend or convey a specific meaning.
N -> O
Nocino - A dark brown liqueur made from green walnuts, originating from Italy and often used as a digestif.
Neonato - An Italian term used in English medical contexts to refer to a newborn baby, especially during the first few weeks of life.
Nacho - A Mexican snack consisting of tortilla chips topped with melted cheese, and often additional toppings like jalapeños, beans, or meat.
O -> P
Overlap - To extend over and cover part of something; also, a situation where two things coincide or share some common elements.
Outstrip - To go faster or farther than someone or something, often implying exceeding or surpassing in performance or achievement.
Ownership - The state or fact of possessing something, showing legal rights or control over a property, object, or concept.
P -> Q
Q -> R
Quar: A shortened form for quarry.
Quarr: A variant or shorthand for quarry.
Quiver: To tremble or shake with slight rapid motion.
R -> S
Rubs: Frictional movements against a surface.
Rungs: Horizontal steps of a ladder.
S -> T
Start: To begin an action or journey.
Sport: Physical activities for exercise or competition.
Scout: To search or explore.
Sort: A category or kind.
Shift: To move or change position.
Skirt: A garment or to avoid a topic.
T -> U
Timbuktu - A historic city in Mali, West Africa, known for its rich history as a center of trade, culture, and Islamic scholarship, especially during the 15th and 16th centuries.
Tofu - A protein-rich food made from condensed soy milk, often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan diets.
Tiramisu - An Italian dessert made of layers of coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese, often flavored with cocoa and sometimes coffee liqueur.
U -> V
V -> W
View: A scene or perspective.
Vow: A solemn promise.
W -> X
Wax: A substance used for candles or polish.
Wox: An old dialectal form meaning grew or became.
X -> Y
Xylography: The art of woodcut printmaking.
Xylomancy: Divination by interpreting wood pieces.
Xylophy: Related to trees or wood.
Y -> Z
Yutz: A Yiddish word for a foolish person.
Yez: Yes in dialect.
Z -> A
Zebra: An African wild animal with black and white stripes.
Zinnia: A type of flowering plant, popular in gardens.
Zelda: A given name, also known for its association with a popular video game series.
Zamia: A genus of tropical plants, primarily found in the Americas.
Zenana: The part of a house in South Asia reserved for women.